Health Status

Farm Health Guardian simplifies health status management and downtime verification between properties. Health statuses for each property can include farm type, flow, and disease information. Once a health status is assigned to a property, both the color and status will appear on the property list. The corresponding color will also be displayed on the property map. When hovering over a property, the name, health status, and type of property will be shown.

By assigning a health status and downtime to properties, users can easily determine if they are clear to visit a site.

If a user attempts to visit a site without meeting the required downtime, managers or health staff will be notified of the breach.

When the health status of a property is changed, its relationship with all other properties is automatically updated. Real-time updates eliminate the need for bulky spreadsheets and complicated procedures, streamlining the entire process.

Whether you want a simple configuration of three health statuses or a complex labelling system, Farm Health Guardian makes managing health status easy.